
Friday, August 12, 2011

report card

Holy poo monkeys, I got an A in Victorian Lit.  I can only conclude that my professor didn't actually read my final paper. It was atrocious, in case anyone's wondering.  I didn't even make the length requirements.

My grades stand thus: B and B- in my 2 Spanish classes, A and A- in my two literature classes.  Considering how obnoxious my summer was (burn out, wedding cake, crazy kidlings, unemployment, AND SO ON) I'm quite pleased that I did so well. 

Right now I'm on break, until the 23rd. Two whole weeks to lay around in pajama pants and be a 24/7 mom, as opposed to a 20/7 mom.  The kids are celebrating by staying up til 11 and getting up at 7:30. You know, typical kid stuff.

December is now going to sleep by herself 95% of the time, which is nice.  I can just put her in bed and walk away, something I have never convinced Darius to do.  CIO with Darius=barf. Every time.  Someday he'll go to sleep alone, but that won't be until he gets through his various neuroses about sleep. Considering his parents, this may be never. Sigh.

In the fall I only have classes 2 days a week! Glory be! I have annoying expensive textbooks, but I can SLEEP IN 5 days a week! HA! (By 'sleep in' I of course mean 'wake up with my daughter drooling on my face at 7 am' instead of 'alarm wakes me at 6:45'.)

So yay.

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