
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

sleepy me

When I was kid, I used to sleepwalk.  I'd look awake, I'd even have full conversations with people, but I was asleep.  My parents eventually figured out how to tell when I was sleepwalking, and would put me back in bed.  (One time they tried to wake me up by spraying me with water, and it didn't work. Evidently I'm a deep sleeper.)

Sleepwalking has reemerged in the past year, much to my husband's dismay.  Once, I--while carrying my infant daughter--walked upstairs, had a conversation with Ben, and went back to bed. I was totally asleep.  He got really weird over the fact that I was carrying December around in my sleep.

Last night, it struck again, although no actual walking was involved.  Darius had fallen asleep on the couch, and Ben brought him to bed. He asked me if Darius needed a new diaper, and I checked him and said no.  This morning, I got chewed out for it, because Darius had slept in a stinky diaper. (Yay.) Of course, I remember none of the exchange that got me in trouble because--tada!--I was actually asleep for the whole thing.

Sadly, there's really nothing I can do about it.  Poor Ben will have to do his own 3am diaper checking, I suppose.


  1. Your blog is very refreshing. your writing is fantastic.

  2. Because.... ben doesn't have a nose of his own, I guess? Or eyes? Oh, benjamin.


Thoughts? Feelings? Cries of dismay? Tell me about it!