
Monday, January 3, 2011

day of suck

New favorite epithet: Holy Mother of Moo Juice.


Soooo, first day of the new semester. I should have seen it coming, I suppose, but I find myself once again disappointed by WSU's academic standards.  Today I had my intermediate writing class, and my professor (who speaks veeeeerrrryyy slooooowwwlllyyyy and sounds just like the narrator of those Shane Co commercials) kept going on about all these rewrites and stuff on 3 papers, and I was like "well crap, I'll be busy" and then he told us how long they are actually expected to be. 3-5 double spaced pages each. I think my soul died a little bit when he said that. For all that hype, I was expecting something like 8-12 pages a paper. I mean, come on people.

BYU kicked my butt, yes.  I had to work for my grades, and I LIKED it that way!  What's the point of getting an education if you get handed all the A's on a silver platter?  I feel like I'm back in high school with my idiot of an AP English teacher, where almost everything I learned was from my classmates.  Except then, I was surrounded by people I knew and liked; now, I know nobody in the class, and somehow I doubt I'll have a chance to strike up a friendship. Nor do I believe I'll maintain one with that crowd: 19- and 20-year-olds with vacant expressions and designer jeans, who actually look concerned by the course load.


Also, my mom scheduled for her to come up this afternoon.  She had a conflict, and dudn't show up. She didn't even call.  First of all, she picked when to come up, how could she NOT have known she had other plans? Also, I called her a couple times and got her voicemail and when she finally called me back, she had no idea why I was calling.


WHY do I have to have a complete blonde for a mother?!

So at this point I'm sitting around, trying to translate a crochet pattern into a crocheted flower and trying to keep my daughter from imploding.  Yay.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, come on. You know you have more blonde moments then I do. :)

    Love you,


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