
Thursday, December 30, 2010

learning and growing! eek!

I have such a short attention span.

I was at the library yesterday, and stumbled across the crochet section.  I grabbed the most attractive-looking book (cuz let's face it, a lot of the time you CAN judge an actual book by its cover) and took it home. A quick flip-through revealed that a lot of it is basic stuff, but it had (squee!) a pattern for a crocheted flower, and leaves to go with it. Of course I immediately pulled out my hooks and bits of yarn and whipped one up.  And made up my own variations, as I'm pretty much obligated to do with any pattern/recipe/suggestion I'm given.  It'd be SO CUTE pinned on a bag or my sweater or something.  It's a little heavy to try and stick in my hair, but it'll make an awesome brooch if I can ever get my hands on some pins.

I now find myself desiring some crochet thread. As if I don't already have enough craft junk.

Speaking of craft junk, I was working obsessively on December's cross-stitch birth record for about a month. Last week I misplaced a piece of embroidery floss and all my lovely momentum went thhbbbbb. Just like that, really.  I find myself irritated at the idea that I might have to contact the manufacturer AGAIN to get something for the project that I used to have and my kids hid for me. Argh.  At the same time, I want it done so I can hang it up. Which, pathetically, I haven't done with Darius' birth record.  Because I am lame like that.

December can pull herself into a sitting position. Given something convenient to hang onto, she can also pull herself into a STANDING position. Holy Hannah, people, she's not even 7 months old yet. I'm going to go gray before I turn 25 on account of this girl. Who, by the way, has gone back to refusing to eat solids. Yesterday I plied her with pears--previously her very favorite thing ever--and she spit them out. Repeatedly and purposefully.  She kept giving me this perturbed look, like I was oh so annoying for trying to get her to eat something. Nice.

On the upside, she and Darius are getting better about playing together without screaming or claiming that the other did something atrocious.  Darius keeps stealing December's toys, but she's not old enough to care.

Darius has mastered the few signs we've taught him, and uses them consistently and without prompting, which is pretty awesome.  It's so adorable to have him walk up with an empty sippy cup going "Juice juice juice juice juice" and signing "please" at me. 

That doesn't make his toddler-ness any less unbearable. Nope.

So now I'm up to my eyeballs in craft stuff, and have no idea what to do with it, because I'm so schizoid today.  Yay.

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