
Friday, March 25, 2011


For the longest time Ben has been talking about getting me a Wii Fit board/system, because I specifically asked him to.  One night, we were at Toys R Us getting Darius' birthday present (a red wagon he fixated on 10 seconds after walking in the door) and Ben said "Ooh! It's your birthday soon and there's a sale DON'T LOOK!" and sent me to the car while he and his brother bought this mysterious birthday present.

Of course I knew what it is. I am a spectacularly observant person... occasionally.  I didn't say anything, though, until Ben brought it up over dinner a couple days later, assuring me I would love my birthday present. I said of course I will, I know what it is.  He was rather disappointed that I knew already, but a few days later decided that it's too late and went ahead and set it up without waiting 2 months for my birthday.

It's pathetic, yes, but having that thing staring at me every day means I've never been this regular about exercising in my life.  I took a couple days off because I about killed myself running around doing errands with 2 babies (freaking exhausting) and when I checked in today, I was down 1.5 pounds anyway. Go me! :D 

Just before I started using the Wii Fit, my weight had been heading back upwards, hovering just under 180, which is not cool. Not even a little bit.  Now I'm just under 172, and it's AWESOME.  I have to lose 15.6 pounds within the next 2.5 months to meet my goal, an after that I want to try and lose another 20, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.  I'm only 2 pounds away from losing ALL the baby weight from having December! YAY!

Ben's been using it too, albeit more sporadically than me just because he's not home as much as I am.  He's got this silly thing called a 'job'.  :)

Tomorrow is the scrapbook expo! Now there's a workout.

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