
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My English 2010 class is currently being lectured on how to access library resources. I had this same lecture with my English 101 class at BYU. Please shoot me now.

This morning, fully dressed, I weighed in at 180. I was depressed. I've been eating an awful lot of candy lately, and that really needs to stop. Also, the eating of giant muffins for lunch is counter-productive.  I get oodles of calories, accomponied by a blood sugar spike that makes me crash an hour and a half later. So I end up eating lunch twice just so I don't die.  So those days when I have to brown-bag lunch because I don't have time to do otherwise, I need to bring a sandwich or something. No more muffins.

I logged into MyPyramid.Gov for the first time in like, 6 months. Apparently a bowl of cereal has a lot more calories than I thought. Also, I've totally been overeating.  And hauling my son around is exhausting.

Oh! Speaking of my son! He has been making me SO MAD for the past couple days! He never listens, he's openly defiant, he shrieks and screams when he can't have his way, and I'm reaching the end of my tether. If I didn't have 2-4 hours of school every day as a break from his hooliganishness, I'd have reached the end of that tether yesterday. As it is, Darius has a slight stay of execution. But great googly-moogly, child! Gah!

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