
Friday, July 2, 2010


We seem to be adjusting to the realities of being a family of 4 quite nicely. There have been a few bad moments--like the night when both kids were screaming at me while I made dinner, which I really needed to eat lest I die of hypoglycemia--but altogether it seems ok.

DS is completely enamored of his new sister. He loves to cuddle her. He also loves to poke her in the face, unfortunately. He tries to help burp her- he sees us patting her on the back or tummy and wants to do it too, but we have to make sure he's not too rough. He was at first, but he's gotten a lot better about it. Impressive, considering he's only 16 months old.

DD is turning out to be rather fussy. She tends to swallow air while nursing, and has a hard time relaxing enough to burp it back up. And she insists on being held most of the time. Even so, she's super cute, so holding her isn't a big deal usually. She's only 4 weeks old, so of course she's still a little lacking in personality. She does seem to like being outside in the sun, though. And she likes being bounced.

Nights are hard, as you can imagine with a new baby. The biggest problem is that DS still spends half the night sleeping in our bed, and I always fall asleep when nursing the baby in the wee hours. This means you've got 4 people in a queen-size bed, and one of those people (he's very short) takes up WAY more room than he should. Plus he likes to snuggle up on me. So it ends up being me and both kids smooshed onto my side of the bed. Just to make things even better, DS has some molars coming in and he's been sick, so he has been doing a lot of shrieking in the middle of the night. Joy.

Having a newborn and a toddler, I've found, requires some pretty epic juggling skills. I suck at it with balls, but kids? I seem to be all right on that front.

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