
Friday, June 4, 2010


Today, for the 4th time in a row, my OB declared me 4 centimeters dilated and hoped to not see me for another prenatal checkup. I'm rather irritated with this by now.

I'm currently 39 1/2 weeks pregnant, big as a house, and constantly exhausted. I keep having bouts of false labor- once we actually went to the hospital and got sent home, once we got up at 4 am and got ready to go only to have the contractions mysteriously cease. Every time since then we've stubbornly refused to budge, and lo, I'm still pregnant. Urgh.

I have another checkup scheduled for next Friday. If I'm forced to actually keep that appointment, then we're going to see about scheduling an induction. Considering how effaced and such I am, my doctor said it would probably be a simple matter of breaking my water for me. She'll be seeing patients out of the hospital next week too, so we're hoping that if I go for the appointment I can just stay there and get induced right then. It would certainly be convenient.

All this waiting around is driving me nuts. And let's be honest, I've about had it with the physical discomforts of pregnancy- I've had heartburn for the past 7 months. If I don't eat every 3 hours I get sick, but just looking at food makes me gain weight (nearly 50lbs so far; gah). I want to cuddle my new baby and move on with things. I have until mid-August to get my first child adjusted to life with an infant, and would like to get started thankyouverymuch.

I'm starting school at the end of August. Half time, hopefully. Also hopefully I'll be able to take my baby with me without causing problems- I know that at BYU, that sort of thing was pretty ok, but WSU is a cultural unknown. I REALLY don't want to leave her with my MIL for 3+ hours at a stretch, simply because she'll be tiny and I'll be breastfeeding and pumping is a pain when I'm at home, never mind out in public.

Well, my doctor 'irritated' my cervix today (3rd time in a row, BTW) and maybe this time it actually did something, because I've been having super tight contractions all evening. The mood I'm in about the whole thing, I may march up to the hospital and demand they rupture my amniotic sack right now goshdarnit.

The anticipation! It's making me crazy!!

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